Although you might be at college, and you will get advice and information about health instead of warnings, it’s up to you to decide how you live your life.
You can find out how drink and diet can affect your health, and you will be given advice on drugs and the law. What you decide is up to you, but we will offer you all the assistance you need to make an informed decision.
Sleat Medical Centre
As a student at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, you are advised to register at Sleat Medical Centre, just 10 minutes walk from the College, where you can access any medical assistance you might need.
There are many ways to get fit and keep fit during your time at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig: either through exercise, or by joining one of the clubs at the College such as the karate club or circuit training group. Students are encouraged to form clubs based on their own personal interests, too. There are local swimming pools, and team sports such as badminton, shinty and football are also played nearby.
Safe pavements and paths near the College mean you can walk or cycle around the campuses.
Sexual Health and Relationships
Whilst at the College, your personal relationships may change, and confidential information about sexual health and relationships is available.
Mental Health
Mental health is important, too. A healthy mind allows you to fulfill your personal and academic potential, and guidance on mental health problems is available from Student Support Services.
Students of any or no religious belief can safely practise their religion, as we understand how faith can be an important part of life.
Ultimately, your health – physical and emotional – is your own responsibility, but you will be offered appropriate support and guidance.
Students and staff at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig can access support through Spectrum Life a digital mental health support service which is available online 24/7 and is completely anonymous, so you can express yourself freely and openly.
Professionally trained guides monitor the community to ensure the safety and anonymity of all members. In addition to the online community, you will have access to a wealth of useful resources and can work through tailored self-help courses covering topics such as anxiety, sleep, weight management, depression and many more. More information is available through the Spectrum Life website.
Outbreaks of meningitis in student populations receive a great deal of publicity, and the disease causes great fear as a result. Under new Government policy, all students entering college or university for the first time should have been offered immunisation against meningitis (Meningitis ACWY). Students are advised to contact their local GP to arrange immunisation.

Gender-based and Sexual Violence
Support for domestic abuse, gender based assaults and sexual violence.

Disability Support
We are here to help and support you with any disability or additional support needs.

Counselling Services
Face to face and online councelling sevices available to all our students whether on campus or distance learning.

Health and Wellbeing
We are here to support your Health and Well being and provide you with any assistance you need to maintain this.