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Corona Virus 20-03-20

The health and safety of our staff and students is our priority during this very uncertain time. Having ceased face-to-face teaching on campus on Tuesday, we are now progressing quickly to home-working and online teaching.
SMO are well used to distance learning and although this is an abnormal situation for all of us, we are carefully planning to ensure continuity of learning and minimal disruption for all students, wherever you are based.
Exams will not take place on campus this academic year and students need not return to campus until the start of the next academic year in 20/21.
Students Services and the SMO Counselling Service will be available online from next week.
We understand that this is a very unsettling time for our SMO community but we endeavour to keep you informed and updated. Please keep an eye on the website for the latest updates.



Latest information and advice for students on Coronavirus (COVID-19):

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