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Call for a Gaelic Artist – Tosta 2016

We are looking for a Gaelic artist (working in any art, or cross artform – Sgrìobhadair/ Bàrd/ Neach-ealain Lèirsinneach/ Neach Dràma Gàidhlig/ neo Ceòladair) to take up a residency in The Basque Country from 5 May – 10 June 2016 to create work as part of 


– an artistic collaboration between seven of Europe’s minority language communities, all situated on the Atlantic coastline and all with strong maritime traditions (Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Fryslan, The Basque Country and Galicia) coming together to create a “cultural cargo”.

Artist fee 2,500 euros + travel, accommodation, perdiems & a budget for materials



Donostia/San Sebastian 2016 and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig are working together with cultural organisations from around the Atlantic Coast of Europe (Ireland, Scotland, The Basque Country, Wales, Cornwall, Friesland and Galiza) in the TOSTA project. The project combines the promotion of artistic creation, the celebration of linguistic and cultural diversity, the balanced management of languages in an international project and an innovative communication strategy.


The main aims of the TOSTA project are

  • to create awareness of European linguistic diversity and particularly of minority languages and cultures.
  • to create opportunities permitting artists from these cultures to work internationally, to collaborate and support one another.

One artist from each territory will be hosted in residency by another and integrated in the local community. The sending out of a “cultural cargo” in the shape of sea containers  will be the excuse for mapping out an itinerary. Each time the containers arrive to one of the points of the project a 2-3 day festival will be organised, highlighting linguistic diversity in Europe, the contents of the DSS2016 project and the creations of the artists in each of the participating linguistic communities.

The residency host for the Gaelic artist will be Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, in Donostia. Euskaltzaleen Topagunea is a social movement networked town by town in the Basque Country. It is the coordinator of different associations that organise initiatives to create spaces to live in Basque and activities to develop our linguistic community. Since they were set up back in the 80s, these Basque associations gather together people that are fond of the Basque language and culture to promote activities for Basque to be visible in all contexts. Apart from being a meeting point, Euskaltzaleen Topagunea also coordinates cultural activities, leisure activities, media or speaking practice programmes. Besides, it promotes the sensitivity to implement Basque in the society.



The call is directed to any artistic expression  related to  words/spoken words/sounds or words/images: that wide definition includes audio/audiovisual works (video, animation, short film) and visual arts including illustration, photography graphic arts (comics) for example; Gaelic drama or music.

The direct use or the references to the minority languages related to the artist, the hosting community and the Tosta project will be especially welcome.



The call is directed to artists who are

  • 18 years or above
  • fluent Gaelic speaker




The following aspects will be assessed:

  • Scope, value, originality and quality of the proposal (50%)
  • The connection of the project with the values of the TOSTA initiative (minority languages, contact with culture, the maritime culture…). (25%)
  • The potential connection of the project with the hosting community (cultural particularities, chances for participation…) (25%)

You will be required to provide a brief proposal describing (max 250 words)

  • your practice, medium, method of work
  • why you want to be part of this project and why you think you be the right artist to do this residency
  • a potential project or piece of work that you would like to create during the residency and how this links in with the aims of the tosta project
  • and examples of previous work (via e.g.  jpeg, pdf, MP3, MP4, .mov)





For further  details please contact:

Kath NicLeòid


Tel: 01471 888 461 / Mob: 07818163481


Deadline for applications Wednesday 20th April 2016, 5pm

(Selection of artist Friday 22nd April 2016)

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