Update from SMO – Covid 19
Staff and students at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig will be leaving the campus this week to work from home and to engage in distance learning classes. The decision was taken as a result of the increasing national Coronavirus guidance.
Other than a small skeleton team, staff will be home-based. All student classes were suspended as of lunchtime today and will resume, via distance learning, on Monday 23rd March.
A very small number of students who are unable to travel will remain on campus (i.e. international students).
The Easter Short Courses have also been cancelled as have all additional events such as SEALL concerts and sports activities.
Although the College remains open, there will not be a full service and members of the community are asked not to use the services on site such as the Library and the gym.
Corporate Affairs Director, Nicola Thomson said, “We feel this is the most sensible way to protect our staff, students and the wider community. This is an extraordinary situation and we need to follow the guidance, but we appreciate it will be very challenging for many people.
The Gaelic Fun Day and Applicant’s Day has also been cancelled.
Distance learning courses An Cùrsa Inntrigidh and an Cùrsa Adhartais will continue as normal.
For further information please contact Nicola Thomson, Director of Corporate Affairs, 01471 888 301 no nnt.smo@uhi.ac.uk
Further information and updates can also be found at the following link on the UHI website: https://www.uhi.ac.uk/coronavirus