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Catriona Johnston

Course Leader – DipHE Gaelic Media

01471 888 336


Catriona has worked in the media industry since 1987. She started my career with BBC Radio nan Gàidheal as a researcher and presenter before moving to a position in television with STV in 1990. She worked as a researcher and associate producer for two years before entering the freelance market. After a few years, Catriona took a position as producer and presenter with Grampian TV in Aberdeen. Catriona started working as a lecturer in TV research and production at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig in 1998, and she became Course Leader on the practical media course in 2009. She is still actively involved in various aspects of media work in her spare time.


PGCert (with merit) Jordanhill College of Education 1984-85 MA Arts Glasgow University 1981-84


UP307002     7              Naidheachdas: Rèidio agus Telebhisean UP307003     7              Rannsachadh agus Riochdachadh airson Telebhisean UP307004     7              Riochdachadh Rèidio UP307005     7              Sgilean Conaltraidh airson nam Meadhanan UP307006     7              Sgilean Deasachaidh UP307007     7              Sgilean Teicnigeach UP308406     8              Sgilean Dreuchdail UQ508462     8              A’ Deasachadh airson Obair UQ508463     8              A’ Leasachadh Sgilean Eadar-Phearsanta UQ508464     8              Obair Sgioba Èifeachdach

Further information

I am a member of the Quality Assurance Committee at SMO. I represent SMO on the Media Advisory panel for media work placements. I’m a member of the college Student Advisory team

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