Viktoria Marker
Lecturer in Gaelic and Related Studies07799 598187
Besides teaching on the Gàidhlig 3 course, Viktoria will also be working on the SpeakGaelic project. Further along the semester and academic year, Viktoria will have the opportunity to work on additional modules and projects.
MA (Hons) (University of Glasgow)
MPhil (University of Glasgow)
- Litreachas na Gàidhlig ann an Astralàisia | Gaelic literature in Australasia
- Litreachas na Gàidhlig ann an Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn | Gaelic Literature in the British Empire
- Colonachd luchd-tuineachaidh | Settler Colonialism
- Litreachas eilthireach | Emigrant literature
- Cunntasan-beatha agus fèin-eachdraidhean Gàidhealach | Gaelic biographies and autobiographies
- Dòighean-obrach tùsanach | Indigenous methodologies
Co-obrachadh rannsachaidh
- “Air fhògair is air fhalbhan: òrain Ghàidhlig à Astralàisia”, film-goirid, Roinn na Ceiltis is na Gàidhlig, Oilthigh Ghlaschu (ga chur air bhog 28mh an t-Sultain 2021)
- “Exploring multi-disciplinary approaches to Indigenous methodologies: Scotland and beyond” co-labhairt oileanach iar-cheumnach, Ògmhios 2021
- “Slighe òran Gàidhlig”, pròiseact coimhearsnachd Ghlaschu Bheò (2019) | ‘Gaelic Song Trail’, Glasgow Life community project (2019).
Oileanaich rannsachaidh Chuirinn fàilte air ceistean bho dhaoine aig a bheil ùidh ann a bhith a’ dèanamh ceum rannsachaidh air
- litreachas na Gàidhlig san 19mh agus 20mh linn
- litreachas Gàidhlig agus coimhearsnachdan Gàidhealach thall thairis
Gàidhlig 3 (Lecturer)
Further information
I am also a third-year PhD student at Glasgow University. My research looks at Gaelic literature composed/written in Australasia (1840-1940).