MEd Gaelic Education
AWARD: Master of EducationSTUDY MODE: Distance Learning,Online,Part-time
COURSE LEADER: Anne Thirkell
COURSE CONTACT: Eilidh Grant ( )
The MEd Gaelic Education is a three-year programme of professional learning that builds upon the success of Streap, the Postgraduate Certificate in Gaelic Medium Education which ran from 2005 to 2022 in partnership with the University of Aberdeen.
The MEd Gaelic Education programme will focus on the following:
- Immersion pedagogy and best practice in international immersion education
- Research, policy and practice in Gaelic Medium Education
- Developing pupils’ Gaelic language proficiency
- Developing participants’ own confidence and competence in Gaelic, including understanding and use of Gaelic grammar
- Building an awareness of Gaelic culture and identity into the curriculum
- Supporting diverse learners in Gaelic education
- Leading learning in Gaelic education
- Practitioner enquiry to inform and improve practice
The MEd Gaelic Education programme is comprised of progressive modules that allow participants to continually build upon prior learning. The degree culminates in a final practitioner enquiry study designed to enable participants to utilise the knowledge, skills and professional understanding that they have developed throughout the programme to support improvement in their own work setting.
Programme Structure
Participants have the option to complete one, two or three years of study to achieve the following awards:
Year 1: Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Gaelic Education – 60 credits
Year 2: Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) in Gaelic Education – 120 credits
Year 3: Master of Education (MEd) in Gaelic Education – 180 credits
Participants can exit the programme after one or two years and re-join within five years to complete another award.
Course Delivery
The programme is delivered entirely through the medium of Gaelic, allowing participants to develop their literacy skills in Gaelic while at the same time progressing their professional knowledge, understanding and skills relating to Gaelic education.
Most of the programme is delivered online and is designed to work alongside teachers’ other professional commitments, with one annual face-to-face day at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig at the start of the academic year to allow participants and programme tutors to meet.
Participants will engage in fortnightly online activities, and online tutorials will be held to ensure regular contact and allow for collaborative interaction between participants and tutors.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module will provide participants with a knowledge and understanding of the key theories, concepts and principles of language acquisition. Opportunities will be provided to consider how these relate to the practice of teaching Gaelic, a minority language, through the immersion approach in a monolingual cultural context. It will consider language acquisition theories relevant to immersion education and examine key cognitive theories of bilingualism and biliteracy, together with the implications of these for curriculum and classroom practice.
The shift that has taken place within language acquisition theories since the early days of immersion education, particularly in relation to pedagogical practices, will be examined. This shift has important implications in the Gaelic medium context for both learner language proficiency and academic achievement. The role of language input and output, together with the need for a greater focus on form within immersion teaching, will be considered in the Gaelic medium and Gaelic learner contexts.
Additionally, international research in relation to issues such as teaching the curriculum through a minority language to first and second language learners, and the assessment of bilingual learners’ knowledge and understanding, will be addressed. Through gaining a pedagogical knowledge and understanding of immersion education and language acquisition, participants will develop relevant skills that can be applied in their own educational setting.
Module Content
Content will cover the following areas:
- Defining bilingual education, immersion education and the history of immersion education and Gaelic education in Scotland. Theories relating to the characteristics of well-implemented immersion programmes and international examples of best practice.
- The benefits of bilingualism and biliteracy.
- Theories that influenced immersion education in its early stages and subsequent theories, including research that is now almost unanimous in recognizing the need for a greater focus on language features, or focus on form, in immersion teaching. Pedagogical theories in relation to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Content Based Language Teaching (CBLT), and language acquisition for first and second language learners.
- Theory underpinning the teaching of language through content, including a counterbalanced approach to strengthen language proficiency.
- The impact of linguistic development, bilingualism and biliteracy on classroom practice, school communities and the wider implications for language revitalisation, including linguistic ideology and identity.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding and critical appreciation of the main principles and theory underpinning immersion education and language acquisition methodology. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the principles and applications of Gaelic immersion education. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Identify and evaluate practice in immersion pedagogy. - Learning Outcome 4 (LO4):
Extract and reflect upon information from a range of sources using relevant analytical skills.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Develop professional language in Gaelic to present to an audience and to engage in personal and collaborative discussion relating to Gaelic education, immersion education, language acquisition and the evaluation of Gaelic policy and practice. - Language Outcome 2 (LaO2):
Demonstrate a developing ability to apply Gaelic grammatical guidance to all areas of literacy.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module will build on participants’ prior knowledge and professional understandings of learner language acquisition in a minority context, and their knowledge and understanding of the immersion approach to language learning for first and second language learners.
A key focus will be on pedagogies and practices to develop and strengthen pupils’ Gaelic language proficiency and academic achievement. These practices and pedagogies will be situated within theoretical frameworks, including approaches to integrate language and content learning, and current Scottish curricular policy.
The module will additionally support participants to evaluate the learner benefits of creating an enriched Gaelic environment in Gaelic medium settings and wider school communities. There will be opportunities to explore and critically reflect on the role of key partners, including classroom resource providers, parents and the wider school community in providing an enriched Gaelic environment. Working collaboratively with professionals in other Gaelic medium settings, participants will demonstrate agency in exploring and evaluating strategies to further develop learner fluency and confidence in creating an enriched Gaelic environment in their own and other schools. In addition, the module will provide participants with an opportunity to develop their own competence and confidence in Gaelic language, with a focus on developing rich language including appropriate use of idiom.
Module Content
Content will cover the following areas:
- The features of full immersion and the immersion phase, with considerations for practice. Current policy (national, local and school-based) for delivery of Gaelic education and how such policies relate to practice.
- Literature exploring pupil Gaelic language use and Gaelic language ability, with considerations for practice. Teacher competence and confidence in the language, and how this can be supported.
- Pedagogies to support language acquisition, language proficiency and academic achievement in the Gaelic medium setting, for example the integration of language and content learning, cooperative learning, learning through play, the use of scaffolding, differentiation, interdisciplinary learning, a focus on form, and reactive and proactive counterbalanced strategies. In addition, issues of progressing the language learning and academic achievement of L1 and L2 learners and composite settings will be focused on.
- The role of key partners, including parents and visitors who are fluent in Gaelic, in providing an enriched Gaelic environment, alongside appropriate and effective classroom resources and active learning opportunities; for example, Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, Comunn na Gàidhlig, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Giglets, Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail, Tobar an Dualchais and FilmG. The effect of support from the wider Gaelic community on learner engagement – skill sharing, Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), charity event participation, sport, media and social media engagement and cultural cross-curricular projects will also be explored.
- A student-led practitioner enquiry focus involving the planning, delivery and evaluation of a series of lessons to strengthen Gaelic language proficiency in the Gaelic medium setting through the integration of language and content learning. Students will develop suitable resources to support pupil learning as part of this focus.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the aims and outcomes of immersion approaches to first and second language development within the international and Gaelic-medium context, with particular reference to minority/majority language settings. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Evaluate and examine pedagogical practices that integrate both a focus on the comprehension of curricular subject matter and the teaching of language and grammar more intentionally, drawing on international research. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the critical importance of planned strategies to extend and enrich learner language and accuracy to progress both learner language proficiency and academic achievement. - Learning Outcome 4 (LO4):
Describe and justify, from theory, policy and practice, the learner benefits of partnerships and an enriched Gaelic-language environment, within the school and wider community. - Learning Outcome 5 (LO5):
Reflect on their own professional practices, agency and emerging professional identities as Gaelic-medium practitioners, and demonstrate an understanding of how practitioner enquiry can be used within Gaelic education to improve practice.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Demonstrate the use of appropriate academic and professional Gaelic terminology in both written and spoken contexts. - Language Outcome 2 (LaO2):
Demonstrate advanced language skills, including accuracy, tone and register in written and spoken contexts to enhance professional practice.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of how language, culture and identity inform our teaching practices. There will be a focus on ways to integrate culture and language learning using authentic materials and resources to support learning. Throughout the module, participants will deepen their own understanding of Gaelic culture, their understanding of their identity as a Gaelic speaker and a minority language advocate, and their understanding of how language ideologies impact upon policy and practice in Gaelic education.
Module Content
Content will cover the following areas:
- Gaelic cultural understanding
- Examine what does Gaelic cultural understanding look like and what benefits are there to integrating culture into learning?
- Explore how a greater cultural understanding can benefit language awareness and language use and practices.
- Gaelic culture as a resource
- Develop teacher knowledge and understanding related to Gaelic culture
- Explore the use of authentic materials and resources and utilising invaluable partnerships, such as Tobar an Dualchais.
- Developing your Gaelic cultural identity as a teacher
- How does learner and teacher identity impact upon language use in Gaelic education?
- Examine research in this area and how identity impacts upon language practices and use.
- How does language ideology influence good practice in Gaelic education?
- Analyse and consider policy within Gaelic education
- Examine and analyse theoretical frameworks surrounding language ideology
- Consider and identify how each participants language ideology has shaped them as an educator
- Practitioner enquiry
- Participants shall engage in practitioner enquiry that focuses on how cultural content can be used to develop and enrichen learners’ experiences.
- There shall be opportunity to reflect upon this impact from the perspective of the learner and practitioner.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding and critical appreciation of the main principles and theory underpinning the integration of Gaelic culture into the curriculum. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of how identity influences language practices and how language ideology influences policy and practice in Gaelic education. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Extract information from a variety of detailed documents and resources, using relevant analytical skills.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Develop professional language in Gaelic to present to an audience and to engage in personal and collaborative discussion relating to Gaelic education, cultural learning, identity and language ideology. - Language Outcome 2 (LaO2):
Demonstrate a developing ability to apply Gaelic grammatical guidance to all areas of literacy.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module is based on Education Scotland’s GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) model and will provide practitioners with the opportunity to extend their own understanding of Additional Support Needs in a Gaelic-medium education (GME) setting. There will be particular emphasis on identifying needs and providing early intervention to help support bilingual pupils to overcome barriers to learning.
The module will explore and evaluate theoretical literature and current policy and assessment procedures in Gaelic-medium education (GME) and wider immersion education contexts. The module aims to provide professionals with the opportunity to gain greater understanding of, for example, dyslexia, autism and low self-esteem and how best to assess and support learners in a GME setting. Professional reading, collaborative practice and classroom-based experience and research will provide participants with evidence for a practitioner enquiry case study to help inform future professional practice and improve learner outcomes.
Extending knowledge through professional reading and discussion and evaluating the application of research in immersion education contexts will enhance practitioner confidence in identifying and employing successful strategies to help overcome learning barriers. Partnerships with other professionals to provide an inclusive and enriching learning environment for diverse learners in GME will also be explored.
Module Content
Content will cover the following areas:
- Participants will have the opportunity to extend their knowledge and understanding of theory, research and policy related to supporting additional support needs and reducing barriers to learning. ASN policy, including assessing and supporting bilingual pupils presenting with common barriers to learning, such as dyslexia, will be explored. Students will also gain an understanding of ASN policy, practice and outcomes in other immersion settings.
- The Scottish Attainment Challenge will be a focus and the effectiveness of current assessment methods and strategies to support pupils with ASN and to improve learner outcomes in GME will be discussed and evaluated.
- Participants will engage in professional reading and dialogue to explore and critically evaluate the effect of teacher agency, assessment procedure, strategic interventions and effective partnerships on learner outcomes and language proficiency in their own Gaelic medium setting.
- Building on prior experience of supporting the needs of all learners, participants will use literature and policy as a contextual base for a practice-based enquiry project. Participants will conduct an enquiry in their own educational setting, gathering evidence of current practice and pedagogies and identifying and evaluating strategies to develop and enhance practice and practitioner confidence in supporting diverse learners.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate a critical understanding of theoretical literature and research, current assessment policy and practice in Additional Support Needs (ASN) and barriers to learning in Immersion Education in a wider context. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Examine and evaluate current policy, research and assessment procedures in ASN, including oral and reading assessments of children in GME, with a focus on supporting learners through early intervention and differentiation in the GM classroom. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Demonstrate and evaluate the effect of teacher agency and planned intervention on language proficiency and wider learner outcomes in a GME setting using literature and research, current policy and practice as a framework for research. - Learning Outcome 4 (LO4):
Demonstrate an understanding of how practitioner enquiry can be used within Gaelic education to support and improve outcomes for diverse learners.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Demonstrate the use of appropriate academic and professional Gaelic terminology in both written and spoken contexts. - Language Outcome 2 (LaO2):
Demonstrate advanced language skills, including accuracy, tone and register in written and spoken contexts.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
The module prepares participants to undertake a practitioner enquiry study in Gaelic education within their own professional context. Participants will collaborate with a tutor to identify an appropriate focus for their practitioner enquiry.
The first part of the module allows participants to explore relevant literature, developing their understanding of research, theory and policy relating to their chosen area within Gaelic education. Reflecting on their exploration of the literature and theoretical frameworks relevant to the area of focus, participants will create a literature review.
Following the literature review, participants will develop a proposal for a practitioner enquiry study to be carried out during the next module. The enquiry will focus on an aspect of Gaelic education and will enquire into practice to inform change.
Structured inputs will develop participant understanding of:
- Practitioner enquiry and action research
- A critical review of literature
- Using practitioner enquiry to transform practice
- Ethical issues
- Researcher position
- Reliability and validity
- Evidence collection
- Approaches to analysis
- Presentation of findings
Participants will have a large degree of autonomy as they develop their literature review and practitioner enquiry proposal.
Module Content
The module will provide the framework for developing a critical approach to reviewing literature, synthesising ideas and analysing key points. The framework provided by the module will enable participants to develop key skills in practitioner enquiry and will provide a supportive environment to work in.
Participants will be allocated a tutor who will provide support and guidance through the practitioner enquiry, and through inputs will develop their understanding of practitioner enquiry and action research methodology. Critical reflection on their context and engagement with wider research, policy and theory will enable participants to develop a literature review and proposal appropriate to a context within Gaelic education. The module will draw on the theoretical frameworks explored in previous modules to support participants in developing an effective and suitable enquiry.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate a critical understanding of specialised knowledge at the forefront of the field relating to a practitioner enquiry focus. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Communicate key ideas from a range of literature in a style appropriate for academic audiences, demonstrating creativity and autonomy in the critical analysis of the literature. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Develop a plan for an innovative or creative practitioner enquiry which will inform future practice in Gaelic education and demonstrates an extensive critical knowledge and understanding of the chosen specialism. - Learning Outcome 4 (LO4):
Present an enquiry proposal which recognises the ethical considerations of their professional role and the ethical guidelines of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) and the University of the Highlands and Islands.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Demonstrate an ability to use professional language and register in Gaelic to collate a literature review and proposal and to engage in personal and collaborative discussion relating to educational research and practitioner enquiry. - Language Outcome 2 (LaO2):
Demonstrate a developing ability to apply Gaelic grammatical guidance to all areas of literacy.
Module Code:
Credits: 40
Module Summary
The curriculum for this module is designed to enable participants to utilise the knowledge, skills and professional understanding they have developed throughout the programme.
The modules in Year 1 allow participants to develop their understanding of pedagogy relating to immersion and language acquisition, while also developing their use of professional language in Gaelic and ability to apply Gaelic grammatical guidance to all aspects of literacy. In Year 2, participants develop skills in supporting diverse learners and in leading learning in Gaelic education, with a focus on practitioner enquiry to improve practice and an ongoing focus on the development of their own professional language in Gaelic and use of Gaelic grammatical guidance. This leads, in Year 3, to a proposal for a practitioner enquiry study, a study which will be carried out during this module.
The module supports participants to carry out teacher-led development through a practitioner enquiry study in Gaelic education. This follows the previous module in which participants developed a literature review and a proposal for practitioner enquiry. The practitioner enquiry in this module is designed to empower participants and encourage them to challenge and transform an aspect of Gaelic education.
Module Content
The focus of the final module in this programme is on carrying out practitioner enquiry in relation to practice. Participants will complete the practitioner enquiry study planned in the previous module and will be allocated a tutor who will provide support and guidance throughout the enquiry process.
At the start of the study, participants will complete an oral presentation on their proposed enquiry, using feedback from peers and tutors to help guide their study. They will carry out their planned practitioner enquiry, reflecting upon the enquiry design and impact upon practice. A written assignment, which presents the rationale, enquiry process and critical analysis and discussion of the outcomes of the enquiry, will be developed, providing an output that can potentially be shared with wider audiences.
Participants will have a large degree of autonomy as they develop and carry out their planned practitioner enquiry.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Execute a practitioner enquiry which makes a significant contribution to the development of practice in their educational setting. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Collect and critically analyse a range of data, utilising a range of specialised research skills and enquiry techniques appropriate to an educational context. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Demonstrate creativity and/or innovation in the use of evidence gathered, informing an identifiable contribution to change. - Learning Outcome 4 (LO4):
Communicate effectively with a range of audiences in consolidating or extending current knowledge in relation to professional practice in Gaelic education.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Demonstrate an ability to use professional language in Gaelic to present to an audience and to engage in personal and collaborative discussion relating to educational research and Practitioner Enquiry study. - Language Outcome 2 (LaO2):
Demonstrate a developing ability to apply Gaelic grammatical guidance to all areas of literacy.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module will facilitate competence and confidence in participants’ use of Gaelic in the professional setting. Participants will develop their understanding of basic aspects of Gaelic grammar and the module will target the four language skills of reading, writing, listening and talking, in order to promote accurate Gaelic language use for leading learning in the classroom or for use in a professional setting. Key grammatical areas will be focused upon through individual tasks, group interaction and collaboration, and translation activities.
Module Content
Participants are expected to develop and enrich language skills through collaborative interactions and translation, and through focusing on the following grammatical areas:
- Pronunciation
- The verb ‘to be’
- Regular and irregular verbs
- Noun gender and the article (singular and plural)
- The infinitive of the verb
- Prepositional pronouns
- Grammatical cases: nominative, dative, genitive and vocative
- Gaelic orthographic conventions
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of identified Gaelic grammatical rules. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Demonstrate an ability to use identified grammatical rules effectively. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Demonstrate an ability to apply Gaelic Orthographic Conventions (SQA, 2009) to literacy output.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Demonstrate grammatical competence across all language skill areas of listening, talking, reading and writing, to enhance professional practice.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module will facilitate a high level of competence and confidence in participants’ use of Gaelic in the professional setting. Participants will develop their understanding of more advanced aspects of Gaelic grammar and the module will target the four language skills of reading, writing, listening and talking, in order to further promote accurate Gaelic language use for leading learning in the classroom or for use in a professional setting. A range of advanced grammatical areas will be focused upon through individual tasks, group interaction and collaboration, and translation activities.
Module Content
Participants are expected to develop and enrich language skills through collaborative interactions and translation, and through focusing on the following grammatical areas:
- Pronunciation
- The verb ‘to be’
- Verbal phrases
- The passive voice
- Dative and genitive cases
- The relative future
- Possessive pronouns
- Interrogatives
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate an advanced knowledge and understanding of identified Gaelic grammatical rules. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Demonstrate an advanced ability to use identified grammatical rules effectively. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Demonstrate an advanced ability to apply Gaelic Orthographic Conventions (SQA, 2009) to literacy output.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Demonstrate advanced grammatical competence, with accurate use of tone and register, across all language skill areas of listening, talking, reading and writing, to enhance professional practice.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module will facilitate a high level of competence and confidence in participants’ use of Gaelic in the professional setting. Participants will develop their understanding of more advanced aspects of Gaelic grammar and the module will target the four language skills of reading, writing, listening and talking, in order to further promote accurate Gaelic language use for leading learning in the classroom or for use in a professional setting. A range of advanced grammatical areas will be focused upon through individual tasks, group interaction and collaboration, and translation activities.
Module Content
Participants are expected to develop and enrich language skills through collaborative interactions and translation, and through focusing on the following grammatical areas:
- Pronunciation
- The verb ‘to be’
- Verbal phrases
- The passive voice
- Dative and genitive cases
- The relative future
- Possessive pronouns
- Interrogatives
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate an advanced knowledge and understanding of identified Gaelic grammatical rules. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Demonstrate an advanced ability to use identified grammatical rules effectively. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Demonstrate an advanced ability to apply Gaelic Orthographic Conventions (SQA, 2009) to literacy output.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Demonstrate advanced grammatical competence, with accurate use of tone and register, across all language skill areas of listening, talking, reading and writing, to enhance professional practice.
Module Code:
Credits: 20
Module Summary
This module will examine and consider leading learning within a Gaelic medium education school setting (Gaelic medium stream, a Gaelic school and a Gaelic department at secondary school level) and will explore the role of teachers as leaders of learning, including creating and maintaining a positive, inclusive Gaelic ethos within the classroom and wider school community, taking account of local authority and national policy guidance. The module will investigate leadership issues specific to Gaelic medium and Gàidhlig education settings, and the potential opportunities therein.
The module continues to explore opportunities for class teachers to develop and create leadership roles within and outwith a school setting, including parental and community engagement. Through collaborative practitioner enquiry, participants will develop their leadership skills through leading an aspect of learning in their own educational setting.
Module Content
Content will cover the following areas:
- Inclusive Gaelic ethos, self-identity and leadership
- Identify factors that nurture a positive Gaelic ethos within a class and the wider school community, including your role as an advocate for immersion. Identify key elements in creating an engaging and encouraging learning environment for Gaelic language, curriculum and culture and examine and reflect on potential issues that facilitate or impede this, as well as the role and responsibility as teachers/leaders in fostering this.
- Examine how you create and implement a strong language policy for a school setting looking at all stages (3–18 years) in different contexts, taking account of national and local authority policy and guidance relating to Gaelic education and consider leadership opportunities, responsibilities and challenges within this context.
- Explore how teachers can develop agency to further develop a positive Gaelic ethos and how pupil leadership and pupil voice contribute to a Gaelic ethos and identity. Reflect on the impact that a positive Gaelic ethos has on one’s own linguistic learning and identity (as a teacher, leader and pupil).
- Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL), GTCS Standard for Career-long Professional Learning; HGIOS
- Examine classroom/school leadership roles alongside the potential for overseeing/introducing/developing CLPL initiatives at a whole school level (and beyond).
- Identify opportunities to contribute to, and progress professional learning opportunities of all staff that enhance teacher learning, pupil language proficiency and academic achievement.
- Communication: Parents/Carers, staff and communities
- Explore and understand the importance of successful communication in establishing positive relationships between parents/carers and the school.
- Explore the roles and responsibilities of teachers/leaders in developing positive relationships based on effective communication.
- Identify factors contributing to successful verbal and non-verbal communication within a professional context.
- Reflect upon professional identity as a Gaelic teacher, and consider how this may impact on your teaching, relationships and communications.
- Collaborative Practitioner Enquiry
- Participants will engage in collaborative practitioner enquiry to lead on an aspect of learning in their own setting and will be required to reflect upon the impact upon pupil learning, their own professional learning and the impact on the wider learner community.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Learning Outcome 1 (LO1):
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding and critical appreciation of the main principles and theory underpinning the integration of Gaelic culture into the curriculum. - Learning Outcome 2 (LO2):
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of how identity influences language practices and how language ideology influences policy and practice in Gaelic education. - Learning Outcome 3 (LO3):
Extract information from a variety of detailed documents and resources, using relevant analytical skills.
Language Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Language Outcome 1 (LaO1):
Develop professional language in Gaelic to present to an audience and to engage in personal and collaborative discussion relating to Gaelic education, cultural learning, identity and language ideology. - Language Outcome 2 (LaO2):
Demonstrate a developing ability to apply Gaelic grammatical guidance to all areas of literacy.
Entry Requirements
The MEd Gaelic Education course is suitable for the following teachers:
- GTCS-registered primary or secondary teachers who are currently working within Gaelic medium education or Gaelic learner education;
- GTCS-registered primary or secondary teachers who are Gaelic speakers and wish to move to teaching in Gaelic medium education or Gaelic learner education.
Candidates who have completed Streap in the last five years can apply to join Year 2 of the programme.
Fees and Funding
The MEd Gaelic Education is fully-funded by the Scottish Government; there are no programme fees for participants.
How to Apply
To submit an application, please visit the UHI website here.