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Gaelic Level 7

START: 30 March 2020
END: 03 April 2020
COST: £260

**Please note our accommodation options have changed.  We now offer accommodation on a FULL-BOARD basis only.  Please see our accommodation page for further details.**

This course is ideal for advanced learners who have a good understanding of the Gaelic Language and are able to communicate well demonstrating good speaking and writing skills. 

The aims of this level are to:

  • introduce students to the future tense of regular verbs and their relative forms;
  • introduce students to inverted infinitive structures involving direct objects;
  • introduce students to the use of the preposition ‘ann’ with possessive adjectives to form ‘nam/nad’ structures in non-abstract contexts;
  • develop the student’s familiarity with new vocabulary to illustrate structures and reinforce structures already introduced.

As part of the course, participants will gain an understanding of grammar, have opportunities to practice conversation skills, learn new language techniques and relevant vocabulary.  

For full details of the course content at this level, please click here.

Approximate Course & SCQF Level Equivalences:
An Cùrsa Adhartais (Module 1) Year 1 SMO Degree Courses
SCQF 7 SQA: Higher Gaelic (Native Speakers) & Advanced Higher (Learners)

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